Front view of moderm house with balcony and metal roof.

A Simple 5-Step Plan For The Proper Metal Roofing Decision

What will be your starting point when choosing your new roof? We know that this isn’t something you are heavily familiar with and so making a good choice can be tricky. Therefore, we have created a 5-step plan to assist homeowners in choosing a metal roof that will last them for nearly a lifetime.

Begin with determining your needs and then figuring out how to fulfill them in the best way possible. It’s very important that you implement the right steps before making your decision instead of letting your contractor determine these steps.

5-Step Plan For Making The Best Roofing Decision

What are your needs? The first step is all about determining your buying criteria to find the “essentials” of your roof.

Find the product. The next step would be to choose a product that best matches your set criteria. For example, you can choose between a conventional vertical seam or products like shake, tile, slate, and shingles.

We advise you to utilize the “Metal Roofing Alliance” to explore the best product choice for your home from a reputable brand.

Make sure that your decision is compatible with your home’s needs. Once you have selected a product, send some pics of your home and existing roof to the manufacturer to validate if their product matches your home’s structure.

A frequent mistake we notice is applying good products to the wrong space. You can avoid this by seeking the manufacturer’s expert opinion. Trust us, no one else will know better than them how their products work.

Arrange to meet with a roofing expert. The final step would be to arrange a meeting with the contractor and note the following:

  1. Do they dedicate considerable time to identify the special needs of your home or are the following a “one-size-fits-all” mentality?
  2. Do they carry out a thorough inspection of your attic, looking for any circulation or other issues that may affect the health and functionality of your house?
  3. Do they offer references and inform exactly about the members of their crew that you will work with?
  4. Do they address all your relevant questions and share with you a systematic plan of how your roofing task will be executed?
  5. Do they inform you about your funding options if necessary?
  6. Do they validate the skills and qualifications of their roof installers?

The aforementioned steps will help you make the best choice for you and your home, and make sure that a qualified roofing contractor is executing the project. Ideal installation is essential for the success of a general roofing project–more than product quality itself.